Is Pyroterrorism really a threat?

I have been trying to warn people about pyroterrorism (not just on this website but also on other websites) for over 10 years now.

During that time I have learned something.

#1. People don't seem to take pyroterrorism seriously.

#2. Pyroterrorism really isn't being used as much as I thought it would.

In fact I can't think of a single instance of it being used in the last 12 years - which suggests that even terrorists don't take it seriously.

So if it isn't taken seriously, is it really still a threat?

I guess not. Because no one - not even terrorists - see pyroterrorism as a viable option for mass destruction - even though it is certainly capable of mass destruction.

Just deliberately setting forest fires near towns and villages can cause widespread destruction... but no terrorists have apparently thought to do this. Probably a good thing.

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